Useful Resources
Here are quick links to common resources utilized by our tenants.
Electricity from Eversource: 1-800-592-2000
Gas from National Grid: 1-800-322-3223
Comcast: 1-800-COMCAST
RCN: 1-800-0748-4726
Verizon: 1-800-VERIZON
Emergency Numbers
Gas emergency: National Grid - 1-800-233-5325 or call 911
Electricity emergency: Eversource - 1-800-592-2000
Trash & Recycling
To stay updated about trash and recycling schedules, download the "TrashDay" app from the City of Boston or visit
For all other non-emergency Boston City Services
Download the BOS:311 app
Call 311 (if you are within Boston city limits)
Tweet @ BOS311